Let Us Help You
Sell More Books In Less Time & With Less Work
Get the Systems, Services, Support And Guidance You Need When You Enroll In Our Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program
FROM: Steve Harrison
Dear friend and colleague,
The fact you're reading this letter proves you already know something many authors don't:
Your book is not going to sell itself.
Now, just because you know it doesn't mean you like it!
And when you think about everything successful authors do to promote their book — online, in the media, at virtual and in-person events — you can feel overwhelmed.
But I've got great news for you.
While it's true promoting your book takes effort, it doesn't have to take nearly as much effort as you think it does.
In fact, you can spend as little as an hour a day marketing your book and still significantly increase your short-term AND long-term sales . . . while also expanding your reach and making a bigger difference as an author . . .
. . . if you know the right decisions to make and the right shortcuts to take.
Imagine it. Would you like to . . .
- Choose the right time of year and the right time of day to launch a book online so it captures as much attention and attracts as many purchasers as possible?
- Put in motion a reliable system for racking up fair and square 4- and 5-star Amazon reviews that build great buzz for your book?
- Take advantage of every feature on your Amazon sales page to make your book a bestseller without running afoul of the site's algorithms and having your book banned?
- Run ads for your book that gets buyers to notice and click — on Amazon, Facebook, even completely unrelated websites — because you've targeted your ideal audience with laser-sharp precision?
- Get yourself interviewed on radio and TV shows so hundreds or thousands more people find out about your book and the message you have to share?
- Discover podcasters with devoted audiences already primed to hear about your topic, and whose interviews with you could keep generating sales for months and years after you record them?
- Create an affordable, attention-grabbing trailer for your book (like a movie preview) and post it to YouTube, where it drives scores of would-be buyers to your dedicated book website?
- Position your book to show up when people search for your topic on Google, earning you yet more sales?
- Forge win-win partnerships with corporations, associations, even charities who share your values and believe in your cause, so you can get your book into the hands of the people they do business with or who support them?
- Broadcast a Facebook live video that piques viewers' curiosity about you and your book and drives them right to a page where they can buy it. . . and then share their discovery with the folks who follow them?
- Find opportunities to sell thousands, even tens of thousands, of copies of your book at one time?
YOU can do all this and more to boost your book sales.
But it's hard, if not impossible, to do it alone.
In three decades of working with 15,000+ authors, I've seen the ones who try to go it alone — who rely only on their own ideas, energy, resources —are the ones who end up burning out and giving up.
That's why I'm offering the Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program.
I want more authors like you to know: The key to successfully marketing your book is to work smarter, not harder.
I want to show you which paths to pursue . . . which key decisions to focus on . . . which of the many promotional possibilities open to you best fit your situation and have the best odds of paying off in more sales, both now and in the future.
None of what you'll get in my program is "common knowledge."
It's nothing you could be expected to have "just figured out" from writing your book, because writing your book and selling it are two different things.
And, like it or not, it's not something too many established, successful authors talk about. Why should they? They've already gotten where you want to be, but they've got no incentive to help you get where they are!
But when you enroll in the Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program, you'll get . . .
- Step-by-step training in proven systems to sell more books.
- Proven templates and practical tools for creating the marketing materials you need.
- Customized one-on-one and group coaching from book promotion experts eager to help your book make the impact you know it can.
If you can take as little as one hour out of each day to work on promoting your book, then you can make the Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program work for you!
You'll find out selling your book can be easier, faster, and frankly a lot more fun than you ever imagined!
Here's Everything You Get When You Enroll Now
The Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program brings three key elements you need to successfully promote your book within reach:
- Knowledge of proven shortcuts for getting the word out about your book in big, effective ways.
- Customized feedback and guidance from book promotion experts who will point you toward what works and help you steer clear of what doesn't.
- Membership in a community of authors who will offer you encouragement, accountability, and support.
Over the course of your 12 weeks in the program, you'll get practical training in four reliably repeatable systems that can get your book the attention and sales it deserves:

Amazon remains THE force to be reckoned with in online book sales. But simply having your book available there isn't enough to ensure success. There are tons of insider techniques and tips you need to know about and take advantage of.
In System #1, we'll reveal them all to you, including:
- The best time to launch your book - what day, which week of the month, which season. Why take unnecessary risks? Do what the data shows works!
- How to target your most likely buyers with Amazon ads - It not only helps you sell more books, but primes Amazon's algorithms to start suggesting your book to more potential buyers.
- How do you get more 4- and 5-star reviews? Giving people incentives to leave reviews is no longer allowed. We'll show you what to do instead that gets you more Amazon "love" anyway!

Your book can't help readers unless they find out about it. And they're not likely to find out about it if no one's talking about it. . . especially if you're not getting coverage on TV and radio, in print, and online.
In System #2, we pull back the curtain on savvy ways to build media momentum for your book and keep it going, such as:
- Who are the critical media "gatekeepers" you need to contact? We'll tell you, and exactly how you can get your foot in the doors of show producers, guest bookers, and journalists who do stories for major media outlets.
- How to become a guest the media can't wait to book - It all depends on mastering the skill of "the hook," and we'll make sure you do . . . we'll even give you "hooks" to get started with!
- What to do when the interview's over so it keeps on driving sales for you for weeks, months, even years into the future.

If you and your book aren't even making a digital dent, much less a footprint, you're severely limiting how many sales you could make. We'll take the intimidation out of the internet and social media platforms.
In System #3, we're giving you practical pointers for:
- Increasing traffic to your website even if your website's not perfect . . . plus tips for making it better!
- Reliable ways to grow and communicate with your email list, including ways to "prime the pump" so your list subscribers are eagerly awaiting word from you (not to mention chances to buy from you!)
- Do more than post status updates on Facebook — Go Live! Facebook Live videos are outstanding ways to get and keep readers and potential buyers' attention. You'll find out how to make the most of them.

You want to do more than sell books the "Old MacDonald" way — "here a book, there a book" — don't you? Successful authors find ways to sell their books in bulk. . . often by the truckload! It generates more income for you more quickly and exponentially expands the number of readers you can reach and help with your message.
In System #4, you'll see how you can move many more copies of your book at once, including:
- Forge win-win partnerships with companies and retailers to get your book into their customers' hands.
- Care passionately about a charitable cause? When you ally with charities, you can not only sell more books but also make a positive impact on the world you'll be proud of.
- Sell more books at virtual events — Why settle for selling books when you speak at just one bookstore or library when you could be talking and selling to book lovers around the country . . . even around the world?
These four systems aren't mere theory. I've shown author after author how to use them to expand their impact, influence and income.
Fully implementing even one of these systems, especially when you have step-by-step templates and checklists to follow, could put your book on a trajectory to bigger sales and a wider reach.
Think about what could happen when you use two. . . three. . . or all of them!
Look At All You Get Inside This Coaching Program, Customized For Your Success . . .

Over 12 weeks, I'll send you short video trainings clearly laying out all you need to know and do to put these four proven systems to work for your book. I'll explain it all in easy-to-follow detail, and you can watch and re-watch these videos on YOUR schedule, on any device you choose.
These videos spell out the strategies used by such bestselling authors as Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, David Friedman, Patty Aubery and Christina Smith. These are game plans some of the heaviest hitters in non-fiction publishing have used to sell tens of thousands, even millions, of books.
In addition to the videos, each module brings you downloadable interactive exercises and "paint by number" templates to help you start using these techniques ASAP.
You get immediate access to these eight video modules when you enroll.

You will have absolute clarity on what you need to do to sell more books thanks to the 12 weekly group coaching calls on Zoom. You’ll get valuable feedback on the progress you’re making, and targeted tips for making even more!
If you can’t make all the calls, don’t worry—we’ll record them all and post them to the members-only website, where you can watch (or re-watch) at your leisure.
Group coaching calls occur every Wednesday, led by one of the expert book marketing coaches on our team.

Once you've received all the modules, you'll be ready to benefit from some personalized, one-on-one coaching from my team of expert book marketing coaches. They will give you action steps and tailored guidance for successfully promoting book with more efficiency and less stress. They’ll help you keep your goal in sight and steer you clear of the marketing missteps too many authors make!
You get six 40-minute consults with the coaches. You can "mix and match" with a number of coaches, or use all your consults with a single coach, depending upon your specific needs. You have up to two years following your enrollment in the program to use these consults.

Don't worry. We’re not going to cut you loose when this 12-week program is done! Once you've gone through all the modules, you'll have three more months during which you can email us with any questions you have or problems you encounter as you market and promote your book.

Not sure how to collect the emails of visitors to your website? Unsure how to post a video to YouTube? Feeling timid about tweeting? No question is too basic! Members of my tech team will "hold your hand" as you get your online presence and promotion up and running!

You get 24/7/365 access to our password-protected website, where you’ll find all the video modules and training resources, recordings of the group coaching calls, and any other bonus material we add. It's a resource you can explore at your own pace and consult whenever you need or want to.
After 30 Million Books Sold, Hear What One of Steve's Most Successful Clients Says

“Without Steve Harrison and his team, Rich Dad Poor Dad never would have become the #1 personal finance book of all time."
Robert Kiyosaki
Author, Rich Dad Poor Dad
Plus, When You Take Action Now, We'll Give You Two Valuable Bonuses At No Extra Charge...
When you apply to the Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program during this special offer, we’ll throw in two more bonuses to give your book promotion an extra boost:
BONUS # 1 - Two ads promoting you as a guest to 4,000+ radio/TV producers (a $1,200.00 value)
For decades, my Radio/TV Interview Report (RTIR)
has long been known as a "bible" in the publicity industry. Every quarter, this print publication goes out to some 4,000+ radio and TV producers who are looking for guests to interview, including non-fiction authors like you with important stories and messages to share. At no extra cost, you'll get ads in two issues of RTIR, increasing your chances of landing your book major publicity that could win you many more paying readers.
BONUS # 2 - Ad promoting your book to 5,000 bulk book buyers (a $250.00 value)
Would you like to sell 50. . . 1,000. . . even 10,000+ copies of your book to a single buyer, with no returns? When you enroll now, we’ll buy you an ad in the catalog which 5,000 sales reps use to serve 60,000 volume book buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies. When they take an order for your books, they’ll purchase them from you at 60% off the list price. The ad is regularly $250.00 but is yours free when you enroll now.
So Just How Much Does The Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program Cost?
(Not much compared with the time you'll save, the mistakes you'll avoid, and the higher short- and long-term sales you could make as a result of getting our guidance!)
I’m sure you can see by now why the Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program is such a fantastic opportunity.
Where else will you find book marketing experts like me and my team opening our playbooks so you can navigate the countless decisions and attend to the myriad details that go into promoting your book with less effort, in less time . . . and with potentially greater positive results?
Remember, we're not just showing you ONE way to maximize your book marketing and make more sales (though that would be worth quite a bit and of itself) . . .
We're showing you FOUR, any one of which could elevate your sales AND your standing as an author and expert.
You don't have to do everything we'll show you . . . but you are going to feel so inspired and confident knowing just how many choices you have!
And if, like most of the authors I work with, you plan on doing your work for the next decade . . . or even for the next five years . . . you could stand to make back your investment in this program several times over.
In the past, if people wanted my team and me to give this kind of help, they could only get it by enrolling in one of my higher end programs for $10,000.00 to $25,000.00
But by focusing on the book marketing "slice of the pie" alone, I can offer you all this focused training and coaching for a fraction of that price.
Your tuition is only $4,997 — a bargain when you think about how much money you're leaving on the table by not selling more of your books!

100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain because you're protected by my personal money-back guarantee: If, for any reason, you're not 100% delighted with your investment, you may cancel within 30 days of your enrollment for a 100% refund.

Steve Harrison
© Bradley Communications Corp. All rights Reserved
The Maximum Book Sales Coaching Program is offered by
Steve and Bill Harrison's Bradley Communications Corp.
390 Reed Road, 2nd Floor | Broomall, PA 19008
support@authorsuccess.com | 484-477-4022
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